Mindful Walk in Nature – January 2017

Join me, Moira, for a walk to de-stress, learn skills to be present, find more clarity, improve your well-being and at the same time enjoy the gifts that nature brings that day!

It is evident through research and my own experience that being mindful in nature brings many benefits to our physical and emotional well-being such as reducing you heart rate, decreasing your blood pressure and therefore assisting your body and mind to relax.  Mindful walking is about slowing your pace, bringing consciousness to our bodies, breath and senses. When this  is done in nature it brings us into the present, heightens our senses and awareness which helps to clear the mind and often leads to being able to find clarity and new perspective.

Being mindful takes practice, however I find that when you are in nature there are so many things to experience and explore that the process becomes so much easier. In the sessions I will provide you with practical methods that are easy to incorporate in your daily life to help you to be able to continue to improve and benefit your well-being.

The sessions I conduct are normally in the forest on the periphery of Kirstenbosch and on request can conduct these sessions in other natural  spaces. The sessions are usually 2 hours long and are held once a month, see below for dates. I do however conduct private sessions for individuals or groups. Group sessions are ideal for Corporates and NGO’S to use as part of wellness programme or as a part of a unique end of year function.

Date for the next session is Saturday, 28th January 2017 or create your own group of 4 or more.
Bookings essential.  Email mburmeister@mweb.co.za or visit our booking page.

SPECIAL: If you organise a group of 4 or more people you get yours free!

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